Directions from Parking Garage/Main Lobby to 3.5242
Please note: hospital visitors are required to wear a mask. You may obtain a mask from people manning the information desk when you enter the lobby.
From the main lobby, follow the green ceiling tags to the Green Elevator. Take this set of elevators to the 3rd floor. Exit on floor 3 and head down the long carpeted hallway. Room 3-5242 is several offices down this hall on your right. It is marked with a sign that reads “Rochester Victory Alliance.” Enter into our clinic and the research assistant will greet you. If you need additional directions or have any questions before your appointment, please call our clinic at 585-756-2329.
The walking distance to our clinic from the Parking Garage will be long. If needed, golf cart transport is available on the 1st floor in the main lobby.
Parking passes are available to our volunteers.